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About Scottish Enterprise

Scottish Enterprise (SE) is Scotland’s national economic development agency, charged with helping to deliver a globally competitive and inclusive economy for Scotland. It plays a key role in delivering a strong and effective Enterprise and Skills system, working with partners through the recently established Srategic Board. Its work is guided by Scotland’s Economic Strategy and the organisation works with industries, businesses and public sector partners to support growth and improved productivity across Scotland.

SE supports ambitious Scottish companies enabling them to compete within both domestic and global marketplaces, building upon Scotland’s globally competitive sectors. SE also works with a range of partners in the public and private sectors to attract new investment to Scotland and to help create a world class business environment.

With over 1000 employees in Scotland and in key overseas markets, SE delivers a range of key projects and industry collaborations as well as a number of direct services to support the growth of Scottish companies. It is also responsible for Scotland’s international trade and investment activities through Scottish Development International and the work of the Scottish Investment Bank which has successfully helped to generate a thriving equity investment market in Scotland.

We work with and support a significant number of companies and many of these are leading the way in manufacturing innovation, creating employment, supporting supply chains and competing globally. We also play a vital role in creating the right conditions and infrastructure for sectors to grow such as our work with Edinburgh’s Bio Quarter Development (which hosts Europe’s greatest concentration of researchers in regenerative medicine), the Fife Energy Park, Glasgow’s International Financial Services District and the Dundee Waterfront development.

Specifically Scottish Enterprise:

We are outward looking in our perspective and approach

We are ambitious for Scotland competing and succeeding in a global economy. We want Scotland to take its place in the ranks of the world's most progressive and successful economies. Our horizons are international and our standards are world-class. We believe Scotland has unique strengths and assets, and our role is to use these to stimulate business and sector growth and to attract new investment.

We are a hub of knowledge & expertise

Much of our work is based on our strengths in sharing and promoting best practice, expertise, information and intelligence for businesses and key sectors. We are also committed to evaluating and improving our effectiveness and impact.

We believe in collaboration and strong partnership

We share responsibility for achieving economic goals with other partners and achieve a greater impact through creating genuine and committed partnerships with the organisations, sectors and businesses we work with.

We are responsive, flexible and practical

Businesses deal in practical solutions and the business environment never stands still. In exploiting opportunities for businesses, key sectors and Scotland, we strive to operate with the required pace and a pragmatic, flexible approach to deliver to maximum effect.

We are highly responsible and think through the wider impact of the decisions we make

We recognise that economic development is not a narrow goal. Lasting and progressive economic growth encompasses wider social and environmental opportunities and responsibilities. We consider the wider implications of our activities and the decisions we make on our teams, our organisation and across the public sector more broadly.

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