Diagnostic Neuroradiologists

About NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde is the largest National Health Service provider in Scotland with an annual operating budget of £3 billion and serving a population of around 2 million, located across the West of Scotland. The last four years have seen a significant and challenging programme to transform our Acute Services. At the centre of this is a £1billion acute hospital modernisation programme, which included the opening in spring 2015 of the new Queen Elizabeth University Hospital and the new Royal Hospital for Children.

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde’s purpose is to:

‘Deliver effective and high quality health services, to act to improve the health of our population and to do everything we can to address the wider social determinants of health which cause health inequalities’.

The Board has 5 strategic priorities to move towards its purpose and these are:

  • Early intervention and preventing ill-health
  • Shifting the balance of care
  • Reshaping care for older people
  • Improving quality, efficiency and effectiveness
  • Tackling inequalities

NHSGGC Acute Services

A major re-organisation of NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde’s Acute Services has just been delivered. The re-organisation was essential to align the organisational structure to the Acute Services Review (ASR) recommendations and support the Hospital Modernisation Programme, which is transforming healthcare provision locally, regionally and nationally.

The £1 billion of investment underpins an ambitious building programme that will deliver truly world class and integrated care from the following major acute sector units:

  • New Cancer Centre, PET CT Imaging Centre, opened in 2007 on the General hospital campus at Gartnavel.
  • Development of a single dedicated Regional Cardiothoracic Centre at Golden Jubilee hospital completed 2008.
  • Ambulatory Care, Diagnostic and Treatment Centres at the Stobhill and Victoria sites, completed June 2009.
  • New Acute Queen Elizabeth University Hospital (QEUH) with co-location of Maternity and the new Royal Hospital for Children (RHC).
  • Regional Neurosciences and Maxillofacial Centres are also on the QEUH Campus.
  • Re-development of Glasgow Royal Infirmary into the second major acute hospital from 2015.
  • Co-located on the QEUH campus is the New University of Glasgow Teaching and Learning Centre.

The Hospital Modernisation Programme will ensure that walk-in/walk-out hospital services are provided for the majority of patients. The pattern of service provision will shift to reflect moves towards ambulatory care. Currently 85% to 90% of patient encounters with acute hospital services are on a same day basis. These include out-patient attendances, diagnostic tests, imaging procedures, and a range of day surgery procedures.

In future, these services will be provided from ambulatory care centres designed to deliver the streamlined process of care, which patients want - to be seen quickly by the appropriate specialist, to undergo clinical investigation and to receive treatment without delay.

The redesign and redevelopment of NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde acute services will address many of the pressures that were facing the hospital service. The new services are now being provided in modern facilities rather than in 19th century buildings. These purpose-designed facilities will enable the one-stop/rapid diagnosis and treatment models required for the future. State of the art IT services and PACS currently allow patients’ images and diagnostic results to be available throughout the city and beyond, regardless of which hospital site is providing services.

Concentration of inpatient facilities into fewer sites across the city will allow the requirements of junior doctor’s hours and issues arising from increasing sub-specialisation of medicine to be addressed through the creation of larger staff teams and sustainable rotas for both junior and senior staff.

NHSGGC Acute Services Dimensions:

Glasgow Acute Services Clyde Acute Services
15 Hospitals 3 Hospitals
4,700 beds 1,100 beds
£980m income £250m income
19,500 wte staff 7,000 wte staff

The Acute Services brings together all acute services across NHSGGC under a single management structure led by Grant Archibald, Chief Officer Acute Services. The Acute Services Emergency Care and Medical Services, Surgery and Anesthetics and Rehabilitation and Assessment Divisions operate via a sector based model covering North, South and Clyde sectors. Diagnostics, Woman and Children Services, Regional Services and Facilities Directorates work to a pan NHSGGC structure.

Diagnostics Directorate

In 2006 the Diagnostics Directorate was formed and has responsibility for the following NHSGGC Services:

  • Laboratory Medicine services
  • Imaging
  • Clinical Physics and Bio engineering
  • Medical Illustration

Diagnostic Imaging includes:

  • Clinical Radiology
  • Nuclear Medicine
  • Regional Imaging services (Neuroradiology, Paediatric Radiology, Oncological Imaging/PET CT, Breast Screening and Dental Radiology).

See the Candidate Information Pack for more Information on the Diagnostics Directorate

Institute of Neurological Sciences

Forty four years after the Institute of Neurological Sciences opened (1971) it is undergoing a £40 million modernisation in partnership with the University of Glasgow that will return it to a truly leading edge facility for 21st century medicine and research.

A series of physically linked developments make up this tremendous modernisation. These developments include:

  • A new University of Glasgow and NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde £5m Clinical Research Facility (CRF), on the 5th floor of the neurosciences building, ensuring the hospital is at the forefront of clinical trials.
  • A stunning new neuro-physiology department.
  • A new Imaging Centre of Excellence (ICE) led by the University of Glasgow and funded as part of the Glasgow and Clyde Valley City Deal, which will include a world-leading £7m ultra high-field MRI scanner, creating a research facility which will be unique in the UK.
  • The creation of brand new state-of-the-art operating theatres.
  • An external makeover of the neurosciences building to bring it up to the modern style of its classy new neighbours just across the campus – namely the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital and the new Royal Hospital for Children.
  • New purpose built day treatment unit for patients receiving treatment for ongoing neurological conditions.
  • The redesign and redevelopment of ward 66 to provide excellent facilities incorporating flexible use clinical rooms, pre-assessment, a 19 bedded same-day-admission and day surgery unit and a discharge lounge.
  • The introduction of free patient entertainment system and Wi-Fi.

Taken together, these developments by NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde and the University of Glasgow represent an investment of more than £40million between 2013 and 2017.

Health Secretary, Shona Robison, said: “This is a substantial investment that will bring real benefits for patients. It is an exciting project that will update and modernise neuroscience facilities in Glasgow so that they are truly world class and at the cutting edge of the latest technology. It demonstrates our commitment to provide the very best environment and facilities for patients and medical staff across our NHS. That is exactly why we are investing over £12bn in our health service this year for the first time on record, ensuring improvements like these can go ahead.”

Robert Calderwood, NHSGGC Chief executive, said: “This tremendous neurosciences modernisation and development programme, in partnership with the University of Glasgow, will give our patents and staff access to the highest quality of theatre, ward, research and imaging facilities”.

“Normally NHS facilities built in the 60s would be getting to the end of their lives by this point but these exciting developments will return this building to a state-of-the-art neurosciences centre once more.”

Professor Anna Dominiczak, Vice-Principal and Head of College of Medical, Veterinary & Life Sciences, University of Glasgow, said: “The Imaging Centre of Excellence will be the first facility of its kind to bring together NHS, academic and industry partners under the same roof to develop and apply advanced imaging technologies that will aid our understanding and treatment of a range of human diseases”.

“The advanced imaging technology will also dovetail the world-leading clinical academic expertise in stroke, cardiovascular disease, and brain imaging, already based at the University of Glasgow, helping secure the city’s position as leaders in the field of Precision Medicine.”

The spectacular ICE building will unite world-leading clinical academic expertise and specialist industry to develop advanced diagnostic imaging methodologies for use in stroke, cardiovascular disease and brain imaging. It will also house the first 7T MRI scanner in the UK to be sited in a clinical setting. This scanner utilises the most powerful imaging magnet currently available and produces the most advanced images.

NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde will create four new world-class operating theatres on the second floor of the new ICE building, physically integrating into the existing neurosciences building.

Surgeon Mr David Koppel, lead clinician for the regional maxillofacial unit at the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital, worked closely with the architects in designing the layout of the new theatre space.

He said: “The new development will create a fantastic improvement in the space and layout of the theatres and recovery area for the patients we operate on”.

“The closer that researchers and clinicians work together, the greater the opportunities for collaborative research that is of direct relevance to clinical care.”

The design will make the patient journey as seamless, as possible and enhance efficient nursing and surgical practice.

Planners have built on the experience of the new theatre complexes in the adult and children’s hospitals and we are looking forward to the installation of ultra clean theatres, with the most advanced laminar flow technologies, airflow management devices designed to reduce the infection rate.

Meanwhile the massive external makeover of the neurosciences building will see the building grid and cladding panels arranged into “slices” to replicate the images taken by an MRI scanner. A brand new entrance and cafe area is being created too.

Work has also started on a new purpose built day treatment unit (ward 68) for patients receiving treatment for ongoing neurological conditions. This new facility will be situated on the ground floor of the building, incorporated into the development of a new improved front entrance scheme. This development will provide excellent purpose built facilities and support timely provision of treatment to patients with long term neurological conditions.

Taken together these developments by NHSGGC and the University of Glasgow represent an investment of more than £40million between 2013 and 2017.

More information on NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde is available at www.nhsggc.org.uk