Head of Housing and Customer Service

About Hjaltland Housing Association Ltd

Hjaltland Housing Association Ltd was formed in 1975 to aid the Shetland Islands Council in providing housing for incoming oil industry workers. The Association merged with Scottish Airports Ltd in 1980 to become the lone housing association in Shetland. Up until 1982, the Association provided 88 houses, most of which were family houses.

By December 2018 the Association had grown to provide 769 houses, distributed throughout Shetland from Unst to Sumburgh, and from Sandness to Whalsay. Just over half the Association's houses are situated in Lerwick. The Association has an active development programme with plans to complete a further 200 new homes over the next 5 years.

As well as providing for single people and families, the Association has been working closely with the Shetland Islands Council, and now has several properties providing homes for people with particular housing needs.

Membership of the Association is open to all tenants, and anyone in Shetland interested in housing. Members can attend Annual General Meetings and can be elected to the Management Committee, which controls the running of the Association.

Further information can be found as follows:

About Shetland

Many people from all walks of life have settled very happily in Shetland. For some, the magnet has been the islands’ environment, which is exceptional by any standard. Others initially came because taking a job here for two or three years was a logical career move. Ten, twenty, forty years later, they’re still here, seduced by the place and its people.

Public services are of a high standard. If you have children, they’ll receive excellent education in some of the best-equipped schools you’ll find anywhere. Our local NHS reaches every corner of the islands. We have excellent roads and convenient internal ferries and bus services.

Further detail on Shetland can be found at http://www.shetland.org