Various Roles

About University of Glasgow  

Over the last five centuries and more, we’ve constantly worked to push the boundaries of what’s possible. We’ve fostered the talents of seven Nobel laureates, one Prime Minister and Scotland’s inaugural First Minister. We’ve welcomed Albert Einstein to give a lecture on the origins of the general theory of relativity. Scotland’s first female medical graduates completed their degrees here in 1894 and the world’s first ultrasound images of a foetus were published by Glasgow Professor Ian Donald in 1958. In 1840 we became the first university in the UK to appoint a Professor of Engineering, and in 1957, the first in Scotland to have an electronic computer.

All of this means that if you choose to work or study here, you’ll be walking in the footsteps of some of the world’s most renowned innovators, from scientist Lord Kelvin and economist Adam Smith, to the pioneer of television John Logie Baird.

We are a thoroughly global community, welcoming staff and students from every corner of the world. We have strategic partnerships with leading international universities such as the University of Hong Kong, McGill University, and Nankai University, extending our global footprint through innovative transnational education. As well as collaborations with other institutions, the University regularly works with industry partners and encourages entrepreneurship and innovation.

The University is entering an exciting era. Our strategic plan Inspiring People Changing the World (2015-2020) sets out our ambition to be a world-class, world-changing university, building on our current strong academic and financial position, and further growing our excellent international reputation.

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