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Carnoustie Golf Links comprises of 3 golf courses. These are:

They are public courses owned by Angus Council and managed on behalf of the Council by a limited company CGLMC Ltd, which is a registered charity in Scotland.

The board of CGLMC Ltd comprises of 2 Trustees from each of the 6 local golf clubs and 3 Trustees from Angus Council, making 15 Trustees in total.

CGLMC Ltd has control of all income and expenditure and in recent years has generated significant surpluses which have been reinvested into the courses and other facilities such as the 2.3 million pound Golf Centre opened in July 2011. Other significant projects include a state of the art greenkeeping centre opened in 2008, which provides comprehensive modern facilities for the greenkeeping staff and 2 new holes on the Buddon Links course. In January 2017 we began a £5 million project to extend and upgrade the Golf Centre, which is due for completion in December 2017.

In recent years the Championship Course has hosted two Open Championships, two Senior Open Championships and a Women’s British Open, as well as being one of the 3 venues used for the Dunhill Links each year since 2001. In July 2018 Carnoustie’s Championship course will host The Open.

CGLMC Ltd have 4 main departments, which are Greenkeeping, Finance, Golf Services and Professional Shop.

Greenkeeping, headed up by the Links Superintendent are responsible for the day to day maintenance of the 3 courses.

Finance, control all income, expenditure and budgets. Golf Services deals with all matters relating to golfers, both visitors and members, as well as being responsible for running all tournaments.

We also have a large retail shop run by the Head Professional.

In total CGLMC Ltd employ 65 full time staff and around 25 seasonal staff. As such, we are one of the largest employers within Carnoustie and take an active part in the local community.

We invest heavily each year in greenkeeping equipment, spending £250,000 this year alone. This is seen by the Trustees as critical to maintaining the standards at the level required for an Open Championship venue.

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