
Thank you for your interest in our vacancy for the Director of Strategy and Governance.
The enclosed information will help to answer many of the questions you may have about the work of the NHS National Services Scotland (NSS) and the position. If however, you have any unanswered queries or would like to find out more about what is involved, please do not hesitate to contact Jacqui Jones, Director of HR and Workforce Development on 0131 275 6603, or by email on j.jones@nhs.net.
NSS has a vital role in providing national strategic support services and expert advice to NHS Scotland and other public sector organisations. Our success and future potential is built on a highly specialised and diverse workforce that includes medical, nursing, scientific, supply chain, facilities and administrative staff. The entire organisation is focused on supporting Scotland’s health and we achieve this by developing shared services on a national scale, best-in-class systems and standards and helping our partner organisations work more efficiently and generate savings that can be invested in front line services.
Critical to our partner organisations is the need for NSS to deliver increased focus on the outcomes they need to achieve while increasing the pace and progress of our delivery. We also want to achieve this new focus in a way that reduces bureaucracy and improves organisational agility, flexibility and responsiveness.
The Strategy and Governance Directorate will be responsible for leading our Enterprise Governance Model which seeks to balance the need for increased organisational performance with the needs of organisational compliance. This will involve working with NSS Directors and their teams to embed process management principles and performance management measures across NSS; lead strategic planning, risk management and business continuity; and ensure robust regulatory compliance and audit provision are in place. The role clearly has a close working relationship with both the Chief Executive and the board.
This is an exciting opportunity to lead and drive improved performance across NSS while ensuring effective enterprise governance and compliance. By leading this Directorate you will play a central role in ensuring NSS achieves its goals.
I want people on my team who are committed both to making a real difference for Scotland and to supporting each other. If this sounds like you, I hope you will decide to apply.
Yours sincerely
Ian Crichton Chief Executive