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About St George’s Edinburgh

What makes St George’s special?  

Our warmth, expertise and personalised approach build ambitious, fearless young women with personality. We amplify the voice of every girl and equip them to be robust, empathetic change-makers. Over 95% of girls achieve their first-choice destination after leaving school.

Why get involved with St George’s School, Edinburgh?

We are specialists in all-girls education since the days of our pioneering founders in 1888. We remain equally ambitious for students today by confronting stereotypes and enabling each girl to find and use their voice.

We have a supportive, aspirational culture where staff inspire girls to achieve their best through positive relationships, high expectations and expert teaching.

We firmly believe that we are equipping our pupils with confidence, resilience and self-belief which they will carry on through into life at university and beyond.

We are a close-knit community where strong communication within the school, and the size of each section of the school, mean that girls are truly well known by their teachers, and feel connected with those around them.

We focus on the individual 

St George’s focus on the individual is paramount: each girl is encouraged in her distinctive talents and interests to achieve her true potential. Our emphasis is upon supporting each individual’s chosen pathway. Whatever a girl’s ambitions and passions are, we help them get there. We are equally skilled at supporting applications to Oxbridge, to apprenticeships and highly competitive Art Foundation courses.

Opportunity and empowerment
St George’s genuinely offers an all-round education. The breadth of choice in our academic curriculum, the range of clubs and activities on offer, and the emphasis on giving a voice to the students helps to encourage an atmosphere of open dialogue. This means that every girl grows in knowledge of herself, has confidence in her own abilities and is comfortable in her own skin.

An all-through school
St George’s is one of Scotland’s largest girls’ schools and the only all-through girls’ school in Edinburgh for girls from 3 to 18 years. Boys are welcome in the nursery and to the end of P3.

Nearly 700 girls from ages 3 through to 18 flourish in their own sections of the school.  Nursery accommodates children from the term of their 3rd birthday through to age 5; Junior School takes pupils from age 5 to 10 through P1 to P5. In our unique structure, Lower School follows for girls from ages 10 to 13 (P6, P7, S1); Upper School is the final phase from age 13 to 18.

Houldsworth House, the onsite boarding house, offers up to 50 girls from the UK and abroad, from the age of 10, a residential facility which adds an international dimension to our outward-looking community.

Houses: Pupils are attached to a particular house throughout their time at St George’s and family members all belong to the same house.

Excellent levels of academic attainment 

We figure consistently highly in the independent schools’ league tables for Scottish Advanced Higher results. This success is a product of the all-girls’ learning environment, inspiring and dedicated teachers and the personal support that we can offer to the girls. Every year, over 90% of our students achieve their first-choice university destination.

The unique curriculum progresses through the whole school and GCSE, as a two-year programme, provides an excellent foundation for moving on to Scottish Higher and Advanced Higher. We offer exceptional qualification pathways.

Students are highly motivated to achieve to the best of their ability. The Heads of Sixth Form and Careers are instrumental in ensuring the high quality of student welfare, the Sixth Form enrichment programme, careers guidance, work experience and UCAS applications which lead to meaningful destinations.

To offer further academic support to students, the extensive Support for Learning Department provides additional support and some teachers take on the role of academic mentors.


We run a co-curriculum that is character-building – it fosters risk-taking and thus develops courage and spirit. Our emphasis on learning outside the classroom, to support learning inside the classroom, is very important to us. We genuinely believe in a creative and balanced education hence the value we place upon a rich and diverse co-curricular and enrichment programme which broadens horizons and encourages ambition.

International perspective
We facilitate international education with over ten global partnerships and exchanges. With overseas boarders and ESOL support, we prepare students to thrive in global opportunities.

Campus and facilities 

Located on two interlinking sites, St George’s is situated on a spacious parkland campus with plenty of lawned landscaped school grounds and green playing fields in the popular, leafy residential area of Murrayfield. Our Senior School, Junior School and Nursery are on the main campus. Our Lower School is on the Lansdowne Campus which is across the road and adjacent to the main site.

Pastoral and community 

The welfare, well-being and personal and social education of each student are of central importance. This is a central tenet of the girls’ educational experience and is founded on excellent relationships throughout the school.

Our community is one where we want every individual to feel they belong and are celebrated. Open-mindedness and a sense of shared aims within the community are reflected in a mutually supportive and welcoming staffroom.

We are a school where students from a rich variety of backgrounds (ethnic, national, geographical, linguistic and socio-economic) mix readily and easily. We consider ourselves to have broad horizons and value internationalism, in light of the global opportunities that we are preparing girls for.

Governance and Leadership Structure

Further information is available as follows: