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SRUC - Chair

Board and Principal & Chief Executive

The SRUC Board is chaired by Sandy Cumming CBE.

The Principal and Chief Executive of SRUC is Professor Wayne Powell.

Academic and government funded not-for-profit business is conducted through SRUC, while commercial (for profit) activities are conducted through SAC Commercial Limited.

Current Board Committees include: Academic Board, Remuneration and Appointments, Audit and Risk, Finance andEstates, and Student Liaison. SAC Consulting business is addressed by the SAC Commercial Limited Board.

SRUC Board

The members of the SRUC Board are listed below.

Sandy Cumming CBE

Non-Executive SRUC Directors
Mia Aitchison (Union-nominated Member)                       Sir Pete Downes
Annette Bruton OBE                                                             Professor Michael Smith
Roz Azli (Student Member)                                                  Jim Hume
David Bell                                                                               Ian Ross OBE
Cara Sangster (Student Member)                                        Andrew Peddie
Chris Sayers                                                                           Bruce Wood CVO (Vice Chair)
Julie Fortune (Union-nominated Member)                         Duncan Mackay (Staff Member – from December 2021)
Margaret Khnichich                                                               Zach Reilly (Staff Member – from December 2021
Elma Murray OBE                                                                  Jane Craigie

Executive Leadership Team (ELT)
Principal and Chief Executive, Board Member                    Professor Wayne Powell
Interim Commercial Director                                               Andrew Lacey
Academic Director                                                                Professor Jamie Newbold
Chief of Staff                                                                          Gavin Macgregor
Finance Director                                                                    Hugh Anderson
Director of Marketing, Digital and Communications         Caroline Bysh

Governance Structure

SRUC is a company limited by guarantee (SC103046) and is a registered Scottish charity (SC003712). SRUC’s principal purpose is to advance education, science, research and environmental protection and improvement in the rural and land-based industries, both domestically and internationally.

SAC Commercial Ltd (SC148684), a wholly owned subsidiary of SRUC, undertakes SRUC’s commercial activities in the areas of Consultancy, Education and Research.

SRUC’s learning activities are funded by the Scottish Funding Council (SFC). SRUC continues to receive a proportion of its funding for its research, veterinary and advisory activities directly from the Scottish Government.

SAC Corporate Trustee Ltd operates as the trustee of the SAC Foundation, a charitable trust which receives the profits from SAC Commercial Ltd for investment in SRUC. The trustee holds the shares in SAC Commercial Limited as trustee for the Foundation.

Academic and government funded not-for-profit business is conducted through SRUC, while commercial (for profit) activities are conducted through SAC Commercial Limited.