About the SCQF and the SCQF Partnership
The Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF) is Scotland’s lifelong learning framework.
The Framework is designed to:
- help people plan their learning journeys, so as to fulfil their personal, social and economic potential
- enable all individuals, employers and organisations in Scotland to:
- understand and compare the full range and parity of Scottish qualifications;
- develop and understand learning and career pathways;
- understand how different qualifications and learning can help improve workforce development and skills utilisation;
- relate Scottish qualifications to qualifications in other countries;
- use the SCQF Level Descriptors to assist with qualifications development and benchmarking skills and experience
- support the Scottish Government aims of fair work and social justice by providing tools and resources which can recognise prior learning, support progression and improve social inclusion
About the SCQF Partnership
The SCQF is managed by the SCQF Partnership. This arrangement provides for a neutral organisation which can work across all sectors of education and training providing impartial advice, support and guidance to ensure that the SCQF is utilised to its full potential.
Our aims are to:
- ensure that, where appropriate, all assessed learning and qualifications in Scotland are recognised on the Framework;
- extend the recognition of informal and non-formal learning;
- promote the Framework as a tool for Lifelong Learning;
- develop relationships with other frameworks internationally to improve learner mobility.
More information on the SCQF Partnership Board can be found here.
Our Vision
To work with our partners and stakeholders to ensure the SCQF is seen both nationally and internationally as a symbol of quality and underpins the development of a robust education and skills system in Scotland that is fit for the 21st century.
Our Mission
We ensure that the quality and integrity of the SCQF is maintained at all times and that the benefits of using the Framework are fully promoted to all stakeholders across Scotland and beyond. We provide an authoritative source of information on the diverse range of qualifications on the SCQF.
What we do
- We maintain the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework as a system relating different qualification levels to each other
- We maintain the SCQF database of all qualifications and learning programmes included on the SCQF
- We approve, monitor and review Credit Rating Bodies and produce a range of quality assurance guidance to support them
- We provide support on development of learning and career pathways
- We provide advice and support on access, transfer and progression opportunities
- We consult, inform and collaborate with national stakeholders in developing our key priorities
- We develop initiatives and host events to learn from and share best practice with stakeholders and to support capacity building across the sector
- We develop resources and training to support best practice in the Recognition of Prior Learning and look for ways to further embed these across all sectors
- We support employers in recognising skills and understanding the diversity of qualifications available
More information on the SCQF Team can be found here.