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Chief Executive Recruitment



Thank you for taking the time to look at these pages relating to the appointment of a new Chief Executive for the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework Partnership.

The SCQF has been at the centre of Scottish education since its inception in 2001. It has evolved over the years and now contains over 11,800 qualifications owned by around 300 different organisations. However, its uses go far beyond just helping individuals understand qualifications. It can support development and understanding of learning and career pathways, it can support employers in effective recruitment and workforce development and also provides a means of identifying and recognising an individual’s level of experiential and non-formal learning. The SCQF represents quality in the Scottish education system and clearly underpins key government strategies focused on developing an education and skills system that is fit for Scotland in the 21st Century.

SCQFP is an independent organisation. It was set up as a partnership between Universities Scotland, QAA Scotland, College Development Network and Scottish Qualifications Authority, and its Board includes the CEO or most senior officer of each of these organisations, plus a co-opted representative of the training sector and a co-opted chair of its Quality Committee.

The Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework Partnership team is quite small, but under its current Chief Executive has delivered a very effective service that has had a significant impact on the Scottish education and training system, as the Cabinet Secretary recently acknowledged in her key-note address to the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework conference.

If you understand and care about maintaining and further developing the coherence of the Scottish education and training system, and if you want to help ensure that all learners can get the opportunities they seek, and that all learning, wherever it takes place, is given proper recognition, then this opportunity will, I am sure, be of interest to you.

The team at Aspen are there to help interested parties learn more through the information on line but also through direct contact, so please do approach them to get further information about the organisation and the role.

Rob Wallen
Chair of the SCQF Partnership Board

Welcome video from Rob Wallen