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Director for Scotland

About the MS Society

We make sure people living with MS are at the centre of everything we do. And it’s this commitment that unites us across the UK.

Our strategy is based on what people affected by MS have told us is important to them. It gives us a clear and determined focus.

Our work is based on the hopes and aspirations of our MS community. Together we campaign at all levels, fund ground-breaking research and provide award winning support and information.

The MS Society is a charitable company limited by guarantee. The Board of Trustees is collectively responsible for making sure everything meets the charitable purpose – now and in the future. They set the strategy and review progress against it. They agree the annual plans, budget and performance targets.  The Chief Executive (CEO) is appointed by the Board to manage our day-to-day running on their behalf.

Our councils for England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales work on behalf of people affected by MS in each nation of the UK. The four National Councils provide a voice for the MS community in the nations of the UK. They also act as ambassadors and advocates for people with or affected by MS and help to deliver the MS Society’s strategy in their nation. The National Councils (Cymru, England, Northern Ireland and Scotland) provide a direct link between the nations and the Board of Trustees.

Our BEAT organisational values

Our people are our greatest asset and the key to our success. We offer a vibrant, progressive working environment where you will make a difference.

What we do

  • Help people live well with MS
  • Connect people and making sure their voices are heard
  • Work to find effective treatments and prevent MS

Who we work with

  • A community – people living with MS, friends, families, carers, scientists, researchers, health professionals, campaigners, volunteers – and together we will stop MS

Where we work

  • In England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland
  • With our partners in the global MS community

How we work

  • On the phone
  • In person
  • In and with our community


The MS Society Strategy 2020-2024
