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Council Member Scotland 2022

About the NMC

We are an independent statutory body accountable to Parliament through the Privy Council.

The Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care (PSA) oversees our work and reviews our performance each year.

We are also a charity registered with the Charity Commission in England and Wales (1091434) and in Scotland with the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR) (SC038362).

What we do

As the professional regulator of almost 745,000 nurses and midwives in the UK, and nursing associates in England, we work to ensure these professionals have the knowledge and skills to deliver safe, effective and kind care that improves everyone’s health and wellbeing.

Our regulatory responsibilities are to:

  • maintain the register of nurses and midwives who meet the requirements for registration in the UK, and nursing associates who meet the requirements for registration in England
  • set the requirements for the professional education that supports people to develop the knowledge, skills and behaviours required for entry to, or annotation on, our register
  • shape the practice of the professionals on our register by developing and promoting standards including our Code, and promoting lifelong learning through revalidation
  • investigate and, if needed, take action where serious concerns are raised about a nurse, midwife, or nursing associate’s fitness to practise.

More information about our recent work and plans can be found in our


The Council

The Council is the governing body. It sets the strategic direction, takes key decisions, and holds the Executive to account. The members of the Council are the charity trustees and are collectively responsible for ensuring that the NMC is solvent, well-run and delivers public benefit.

The Council is made up of twelve members: six lay people and six professionals on our register, all appointed by the Privy Council. The Council has also appointed two Associates who are involved in all aspects of the Council’s work in a similar way to appointed Council members. The Chair, Council members and Associates are expected to demonstrate the NMC’s values (set out below) and uphold the Council’s Code of Conduct based on the Seven Principles of Public Life (the ‘Nolan principles’).

The Council is committed to openness and transparency, holding meetings in public at least six times a year. More information about how the Council works and its current membership can be found here.

The Chief Executive and Registrar, Andrea Sutcliffe, is accountable to the Council. She is supported by an Executive team which is responsible for the day to day running of the organisation. More information about our Executive team can be found here.


Our Values and Behaviours

We are fair

We treat everyone fairly. Fairness is at the heart of our role as a trusted, transparent regulator and employer.

We are kind

We act with kindness and in a way that values people, their insights, situations and experiences.

We are collaborative

We value our relationships (both within and outside of the NMC) and recognise that we’re at our best when we work well with others.

We are ambitious

We take pride in our work. We’re open to new ways of working and always aim to do our best for the professionals on our register, the public we serve and each other.