Message from the Chairman
Thank you for enquiring about the post of Erskine Chief Executive, from which the current post holder will retire later this year.
Erskine was founded in 1916 as the Princess Louise Scottish Hospital for Limbless Sailors and Soldiers to help treat the many hundreds of amputees returning from the First World War. Since then Erskine has cared for over 85,000 ex-service personnel and more recently their spouses. Today Erskine has an enviable reputation, borne out by the high grades awarded to us by the Care Inspectorate, as a leading provider of nursing and dementia care in Scotland.
We have four care homes offering a total of 339 single en-suite rooms located in Bishopton, Anniesland in Glasgow and Edinburgh. These homes provide nursing, dementia and respite care for veterans who have served in the regular or reserve forces, their spouses and members of the merchant marine who have served in conflicts. We also provide 44 cottages on our estate in Bishopton for veterans and their families who are able to live independently. Our Edinburgh Home also accommodates the Army’s Personnel Recovery Centre.
We have an ambitious programme of service development including the construction of Assisted and Single Living Apartments and an Activity Centre that will enable veterans from the local community to access support and recreation facilities.
Erskine is a charity registered in Scotland that requires to raise over £8m each year in voluntary income to meet the £25m annual operating costs. We employ over 700 staff, and rely on 250 volunteers to provide additional support to our residents.
We are looking for an individual with a strategic approach who will provide leadership and support to our staff and volunteers to deliver our strategy and drive forward our service developments so that Erskine can continue to meet the needs of veterans in Scotland. The CEO also has a key role in enhancing the good name and reputation of Erskine and engaging with our stakeholders and supporters to ensure we continue to attract the much-needed support for our work.
If you are committed to the aims and objectives of Erskine and would like to discuss the role with me I would be delighted to meet with you. Please contact me by email robin.crawford@erskine.org.uk or by phone through my office 0141 814 4508.
Yours sincerely
Robin Crawford