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Kath Mands

Thank you for your interest in the Chief Executive position, from which the current postholder will retire in April. The successful candidate will lead our Executive Team in order to motivate and shape the strategic direction of Abertay. 

With a turnover of over £8 million and 48 staff we offer a range of services to meet the changing needs of our tenants and customers. Abertay was formed by a Large Scale Voluntary Transfer when the Scottish Homes houses in Dundee were bought in 1997. Our purpose is to provide social housing to people in housing need. In addition, we are involved in various wider role activities.

We currently hold the Healthy Working Lives Bronze Award and are working towards the Silver Award in 2019.  Our relationship with the local Community is particularly important to us and this has been apparent with a number of local initiatives we have undertaken. 

If you think you can add value to our company and believe in changing lives and making a difference, I would be delighted to find out more about you through the application process. I hope the information provided encourages you to want to work in our company, however, should you wish to discuss anything further please do get in touch by contacting {Aspen}                       .

Thank you again for your interest


Kath Mands
Committee Chair