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Non-Executive Director Recruitment

The Chief Executive, Professor Colin Campbell, heads up a five person Executive team of a Deputy Chief Executive, a Director of Science, Director of Operations and Director of Finance and Company Secretary.

The Institute Board has signed off the strategic direction of the Institute outlined in the Corporate Plan and creates an environment in which its aims are achieved and its potential realised. Board Members, acting collectively, ensure that the objectives of the organisation are met.

The Board includes the Chair of James Hutton Limited, in order to maintain a good relationship and co-operation between the activities of the commercial subsidiary and the Institute.

There are four sub-committees of the Board:

  • Audit & Finance Committee (A&FC )
  • Science Excellence and Research Impact Committee (SERIC)
  • Nominations, Remuneration & Governance Committee (NR&GC)
  • Capital Programme Committee (CPC)

Corporate Vision & Objective

The latest Corporate Plan outlines the strategy for 2021-2026 to support the achievement of stated objectives in the context of long-term external scientific and economic considerations.

Our Vision
“To be international leaders in science on land, crops, natural resources and the wider natural environment, working with communities to provide transformative solutions to global challenges in a way that supports the wellbeing of future generations”.

Our Mission
“We will conduct excellent, open science through engagement with research partners, business, policy and civil society, that challenges conventional wisdom and ensures trust in what we do..”

Our Purpose
“Securing the future through excellent science”.


James Hutton Institute Annual Review 2020-2021


Economic Impact Study


Corporate Plan 2021-2026


Transformative Science Strategy 2016-2021


Supporting Shared International Aims
