As SRUC shapes up for a new era of significant change, our sustainable growth will be underpinned by the development, management and delivery of excellence in research and teaching that both support and enable organisational transformation and contribute to SRUC meeting its ambitions to advance the rural economy of Scotland while increasing its international impact and influence.
SRUC – Overview and Background
SRUC is a unique organisation founded on world class and sector-leading research, education and consultancy. As a Higher Education Institution, we have specialist expertise in Education and Research and offer unrivalled links with industry through our Agricultural Business Consultants.
SRUC’s principal purpose is to advance education, science, research and environmental protection and improvement in the rural and land-based industries, both domestically and internationally. The commercial consultancy, skills training and research activities are undertaken through SAC Commercial Limited. References to “SRUC” in this specification includes both SRUC and SAC Commercial Limited.
SRUC employs approximately 1,300 staff operating from 6 campuses, 8 farms, 25 consulting offices, 6 research centres and 8 veterinary surveillance centres located primarily across Scotland.
SRUC’s Vision and Mission
SRUC’s new model will deliver to the needs of the rural economy as a new, successful 21st Century university.
Scotland’s enterprise university at the heart of our sustainable natural economy.
Creating and mobilising knowledge and talent. Partnering locally and globally to benefit Scotland’s natural economy.