Previous Opportunities

Internal Trustees

Non remunerated
This position is now closed to applications.

Citizen Advice Scotland (CAS) is the operating name of the Scottish Association of Citizens Advice Bureaux, (SACAB) which is a company limited by guarantee and a registered charity.

Citizens Advice Scotland, our 61 member bureaux and our consumer helpline together form Scotland’s largest independent advice network. We help more than 300,000 people solve their problems each year in communities everywhere from city centres to the Highlands and Islands.

Following the adoption of the new Articles at the General Meeting on 30 January 2017, six bureaux trustees are now being sought for the CAS board, to work alongside six external trustees and an independent chair. All bureau personnel – volunteers, paid staff and members of bureau boards are eligible to apply. This is a great opportunity to apply your skills, energy and knowledge to setting the strategic direction for CAS and the services it provides, monitoring performance against objectives and ensuring propriety in the use of public funds.

This is a demanding but very rewarding role. Potential Trustees should feel confident in their ability to contribute effectively to Board discussions, to challenge constructively and to take collective responsibility for board decisions.

Trustees are appointed for a term of 3 years and are eligible to seek nomination to serve a further 3-year term after which they must retire from the Board. You will be required to attend approximately 6 Board meetings annually. In addition to Board meetings, you may be required to devote at least 1 day per month on average.

For further details, please see the Role Description.

To apply please send your CV, a bureau endorsement of your application if applicable and a supporting statement expressing why you are interested in this opportunity and your suitability to

The deadline for applications is 5pm on Friday 17th February 2017.