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Chair of UHI Inverness and Chair of UHI Moray

UHI Moray – Chair of the Board of Management

UHI Moray is inviting applications for the position of Chair of the Board of Management.

At UHI Moray, we are both a university and a community college. We are an academic partner of the University of the Highlands and Islands (UHI) and an assigned college of the Highlands & Islands FE Region.

We are seeking an individual who is committed to the college ethos and vision to provide learning opportunities of the highest quality and to make a significant contribution to the economic, social, and cultural vitality of the Moray area.

The Chair of the Board works closely with the Chair of the Regional Strategic Body, playing an active role in the University of the Highlands and Islands, and ensures that the Board fulfils its
duties in:

  • Articulating the vision of the College as an academic partner and assigned college of UHI
  • Maintaining and developing the ethos of the College
  • Setting corporate objectives in line with local outcome agreement with UHI
  • Assessing the performance of the Principal and Chief Executive
  • Establishing high standards of integrity in the conduct of Board business
  • Monitoring the financial health and compliance of the College in line with the Local Financial Memorandum agreed with UHI
  • Monitoring the college’s achievement of its agreed outcome measures
  • Ensure UHI is provided with accurate and timeous data and reports to assist regional delivery of strategic priorities
  • Approving the annual report and financial statements of the College


Equality & Diversity

The Board is committed to equality and diversity and to ensuring that our governing body represents the staff, students, and community that it serves. Applications are also encouraged from groups currently under-represented on Scotland’s public bodies, including those identifying as female. All Board members are subject to membership of the Protecting Vulnerable Groups (PVG) Scheme (Children’s List) upon appointment


Appointments will be for four years in the first instance. Candidates must not be employees or students of UHI Moray.

Time commitment

A minimum time commitment of approximately 20 days per year is anticipated

Remuneration and expenses

Positions on the Board are voluntary and unpaid but bring huge rewards to members. Reasonable out of pocket expenses for Board business are reimbursed.


UHI Moray Chair Role Description


Board of Management Information Pack - UHI Moray


Strategic Plan UHI Moray 2022 - 2027


UHI Moray Promo 2024