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Dear Applicant,

Thank you for your interest in applying to be a Trustee of The Loch Lomond and Trossachs Countryside Trust and being a part of our team and mission. Set up in April 2012, we aim to conserve and improve the landscape and ecology of the National Park and to enhance the visitor experience of its countryside, supporting and adding value to the work of public, private, voluntary and community organisations within the Park.

We have some established and extremely successful projects and programmes of work, delivered by a small and dedicated team of staff and volunteers. More details can be viewed here http://trustinthepark.org/

Since this beginning, there has never been more urgent need for us to act in ways to address the climate and biodiversity emergency that we are experiencing. We need committed, skilled and active individuals to help us to provide an effective response to this emergency within The Park. Our focal point will be the parks amazing diversity of habitats and species. Working with the communities, landowners and land managers within The Park we will explore and adopt nature-based solutions, improving conditions for wildlife and people and increasing the overall “natural capital” and its contribution to addressing climate and biodiversity emergency.

We feel strongly that a healthy environment can have huge benefits to the health and wellbeing of both residents and visitors to The Park. A big part of our work is to increase the opportunities for recreation and enjoyment of the fantastic natural environment in The Park in a climate and wildlife friendly manner.

Using a collaborative approach, we aim to establish and deliver bold, imaginative and effective projects, at a scale appropriate to that of The Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park. Unlocking the potential that exists in this iconic and beautiful area will result in solutions and an approach to tackling the climate and biodiversity emergency of international significance.

If you wish to have a conversation about the role and organisation, please email Lori lori.macintyre@lochlomond-trossachs.org who will arrange some time with myself or one of our Trustees depending on availability.

On behalf of the Trustees and staff of the Countryside Trust, we look forward to hearing from you and if successful, welcoming you onto the Board. Let’s get to work, there is so much to do!

Dr Dave Beaumont
Chair Loch Lomond and Trossachs Countryside Trust